To blade fra en Koran skrevet i østlig kufi

Iran eller Irak; 11. århundrede
19,1 × 16,2 cm og 19,2 × 16,05 cm
Inventarnummer 51/2000 & 52/2000
Publiceret i
The Holy Quran in manuscript : a selection of fine and rare Holy Quran leaves and manuscripts exhibited by the National Commercial Bank of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia : collection formation by Bernard Quaritch Limited of London, Jeddah National Commercial Bank, Jeddah 1991, 7a; 
Sotheby’s, London, 12/10-2000, lot 7; 

The Holy Quran in manuscript : a selection of fine and rare Holy Quran leaves and manuscripts exhibited by the National Commercial Bank of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia : collection formation by Bernard Quaritch Limited of London, Jeddah National Commercial Bank, Jeddah 1991, 7c; 
Sotheby’s, London, 12/10-2000, lot 8; 
Kjeld von Folsach: Kunst fra islams verden i Davids Samling, København 2001, 4;  
Angelika Neuwirth: ”Koranen: ikke blot en historisk kilde” i Carsten Niebuhr Biblioteket, 2003:2, s. 16;

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