Casket, carved ivory with gilt-bronze fittings

Spain, Cordoba; c. 966-968
H: 9.9; W: 14.5; D: 9.3 cm
Inventory number 5/2002
Published in
Hotel Drouot, Paris, 8.-9./3-1939, lot 15;
Sotheby’s, London, 18/5-1967, lot 23;
Baldomero Montoya Tejada and Baldomero Montoya Diaz: Marfiles cordobeses, Cordoba 1979, 70, p. 94 (according to Santa-Cruz 2013, p. 213);
Kjeld von Folsach: “A recently acquired Cordovan ivory casket in the David Collection” in Journal of the David Collection, 2005, 2:1, pp. 116-129;
Claus-Peter Haase: “Volume, flatness, and abstraction: remarks on the style of the David Collection casket” in Journal of the David Collection, 2005, 2:1, pp. 130-137;
Journal of the David Collection, 2005, 2:2, 10, pp. 308-313;
Ángel Galán y Galindo: Marfiles medievales del islam, Córdoba 2005, no. 02027, pp. 62-64;
Ángel Galán y Galindo: “Sobre el origin de los marfiles califales cordobeses” in Arte, Arqueología e Historia, 2006, 13, no. 02027, p. 57;
Mariam Rosser-Owen: “The metal mounts on Andalusi ivories: initial observations” in Venetia Porter and Mariam Rosser-Owens (eds.): Metalwork and material culture in the Islamic world : art, craft and text : essays presented to James W. Allan, London 2012, p. 313, note 39 (no photo);
Noelia Silva Santa-Cruz: La eboraria andalusí del califato omeya a la Granada nazaríi, Oxford 2013, 12, pp. 213-215, figs. 125a-h, and p. 144;
Joachim Meyer: “The body language of a parrot: an incense burner from the Western Mediterranean” in Journal of the David Collection, 4, 2014, p. 32, fig. 9;
Maria Dolores Rosado Llamas: "Los marfiles califales: de los Alcázares Andalusíes a los tesoros eclesiásticos cristianos" in Susana Gómez Martínez (ed.): Las artes del Islam. II : Vidrios, marfiles, metales, cerámica y tejidos, Seville 2020, pp. 151, 168 and fig. 7, p. 276;  

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