The Samanids

All dynasties

Year 819-1005

The power of the Abbasids weakened from the middle of the 9th century, but a number of politically independent dynasties emerged in the eastern part of the realm that still recognized the caliph in Baghdad as their religious leader. A governor in the northern part of Afghanistan, Saman Khuda, founded the Samanid dynasty in 819. He came from a local noble family that traced its lineage back to pre-Islamic times, and the Samanids were consequently the first Persian dynasty to appear after the Arabs conquered the region in the 7th century. After taking Khorasan in around 900 from another local dynasty, the Saffarids (861-1003), the Samanids ruled over the largest Islamic realm in the east, with important commercial centers such as Nishapur, Samarkand, Herat, and the capital of Bukhara. These cities were major stations along the caravan route – the Silk Road – and flourishing commerce contributed to the prosperity of the Samanid Empire.

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