The Il-Khanids and the Golden Horde

All dynasties

Year 1250-1400

The Mongols were a nomad people, and their colossal conquests started under Genghis Khan (c. 1167-1227), who invaded China in 1213, marking the beginning of the Mongol Yuan dynasty. The Mongol cavalry then moved westward and by 1223 had already conquered Central Asia, Afghanistan, and northern Iran. A few years later, Genghis Khan’s grandson Hülegü Khan penetrated even farther west into Iraq, where Baghdad was destroyed and the last Abbasid caliph, al-Mustasim, was murdered in 1258. The seemingly invincible Mongols’ advance was only stopped when they met the Mamluks in the battle of Ayn Jalut, in Palestine, in 1260. 

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